Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Posted Reading

There is always something to be learned from nearly everyone around you. One must always be ready to listen not only to oneself, but more importantly to others.

Here are the Commentaries of Julius Caesar:

Download Here


Knowledge of History is not only knowledge of the world, it is the knowledge of the soul, and the knowledge of everything. History is the World as itself.


Freedom is secured not by the fulfillment of desire, but by the removal of desire.

Monday, December 17, 2007

On Violence

To rule out violence in the seeking of freedom is cowardice. Those who ask us to respond to violence with non-violence are asking us to go against the Natural. If freedom is Just, those seeking it could never commit violence unjustly. The non-violence movement is a Conditioning Mechanism instituted by those in power.
True freedom is attained by any means necessary.

Philosopher to Know:

Soren Kierkegaard.

Featured Painting

Is by Caravaggio.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Featured Poem

The Featured Poem is by Thomas Hardy.



They throw in Drummer Hodge, to rest

Uncoffined - just as found:

His landmark is a kopje-crest

That breaks the veldt around;

And foreign constellations west

Each night above his mound.


Young Hodge the Drummer never knew -

Fresh from his Wessex home -

The meaning of the broad Karoo,

The Bush, the dusty loam,

And why uprose to nightly view

Strange stars amid the gloam.


Yet portion of that unknown plain

Will Hodge forever be;

His homely Northern breast and brain

Grow to some Southern tree,

And strange-eyed constellations reign

His stars eternally.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Featured Painting

To look at the Painting is to look at the Soul.

Peter Paul Rubens copy of Leonardo's now lost Battle of Anghiari.


There is no compulsion which forces one to follow the laws of man, be they physical, political, grammatical, or any others. All Laws are followed through knowing consent of their consequences, and not their rightness. Denial of the Natural is detrimental to the fundamental makeup of the human.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The World

Does the World exist beyond our own perception of it? Or our own ideas of what the World is? Is God, then, merely an idea relative to each person in a world of subjectivity?

Only by realization can one understand the Paradox.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Questions and Answers

In the past, humans have invented a myriad of systems to try and answer some of the fundamental questions of the World. In today's society, one system of answering, called "Science" is believed to be a true system of knowledge. But what does Science answer? By finding flaws in other systems, or disproving some answers, Science is looked to as the source of true knowledge. But this is an Error.

Just because some answers are disproved does not mean the questions they attempt to answer disappear. Only by looking strictly at the Questions, can one truly find Answers. Only by distinguishing Questions, can one understand why the Answer is still not found; or still not enough. An answer to the wrong question must not be thought of as True.

[Questions about Ambitudo a Mortis can be e-mailed to:]

Saturday, November 24, 2007

A Kantian Approach

What is Justice? Socrates said Justice cannot be taught, and therefore it cannot be learned.

Here is a useful text, it is Immanuel Kant's Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals.

The famous tenet of which is:
"Act only according to a maxim whereby you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law."

Download Here (translated from the German into English, Dutch friends may prefer the German)

Monday, November 19, 2007


Learning is a limitation, true knowledge is gained through recollection.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Featured Poem

Title: I Shall Soon Fall Prey to Rot.
By: Nikolay Nekrasov

I shall soon fall prey to rot.
Though it's hard to die, it's good to die;
I shall ask for no one's pity,
And there's no one who would pity me.

With my lyre I won no glory
For my noble family name;
And I die as distant from my people
As the day that I began to live.

Ties of friendship, unions of the heart-
All are broken: from my youth,
Fate has sent me foes implacable,
While my friends all perished in the struggle.

Their prophetic songs were left unfinished,
They fell victim to misfortune, were betrayed
In the bloom of life; and now their portraits watch me
From the walls, reproachfully.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Stones and Bread

When one is given bread he loses all of the things which makes him Human. He will no longer recognize morality, virtue, freedom, or any consciousness of the Self. He is only reminded of these things when he looks upon one refusing the bread, and he is shamed. His response? To throw stones at the one who refuses.

"The soul of man is immortal and imperishable." -Plato

Here is Plato's Meno, Socrates discusses the questions What is Virtue? What is the Soul? What is Learning?

Thursday, November 15, 2007


You must dare to serve the truth, even when by doing so you risk incurring the contempt of all.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The Birth of Hope


This is Ambitudo a Mortis. Latin for Revolution or Death. We hope to form a new circle for those in the World who see beyond the limitations we are conditioned to believe in. For those who still believe in Virtu, Honor, Morality, Justice and Freedom. For those who refuse to be a Slave. For those who believe in the Existence of Beauty. For those who can See. The Death of God is an Illusion. We are the Last Stand.
This is Ambitudo a Mortis.