Friday, January 18, 2008


Although owing to the envy inherent in man's nature it has always been no less dangerous to discover new ways and methods than to set off in search of new seas and unknown lands because most men are much more ready to belittle than to praise another's action, none the less, impelled by the natural desire I have always had to labor, regardless of anything, on that which I believe to be for the common benefit of all, I have decided to enter upon a new way, as yet untrodden by anyone else. And, even if it entails a tiresome and difficult task, it may yet reward me in that there are those who will look kindly on the purpose of these my labors. And if my poor ability, my limited experience of current affairs, my feeble knowledge of history, should render my efforts imperfect and of little worth, they may none the less point the way for another of greater ability, capacity for analysis, and judgment, who will achieve my ambition; which if it does not earn me praise, should not earn me reproaches.

Time Begins
-Ambitudo a Mortis-

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