Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Limitations of Language

One of the foremost concepts to understand is that language is a limitation. One must remember that learning as a concept is an impossibility, and the correct approach is recollection and discovery. One must not assume that they can somehow teach someone with words; many times an audience does not understand the words since they do not understand how the speaker is using them, or what he really means by them. This is called reference. The answer to this difficulty is that one must learn to inhabit the language of the speaker and discover its meaning and sense for themselves. The speakers of language must show what they mean by constructing pictures in language, thereby allowing the listener to see for themselves what the speaker means. The beauty of language must be seen. When one reads a book, even if it be over two thousand years old, one may see, by grasping the meaning intuitively, the same thing the author had seen.

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