Saturday, May 17, 2008

Featured Painting

In the Car
Roy Lichtenstein


Broadsmile said...

Who's driving, the woman or the man?
If the man, it shows a contrast between a man and a classic blond girl. The man even when driving, is concentrated on other things too, while the woman is sleeping on java.

If the woman is driving, then the comic shows how jealous the man is; angry, because he let control of situation to the woman.

The image wasn't quite interesting to me at first sight, but having a little fun above, when looking deeply into it, I see something interesting:

The man looks active, and strong, but he bends a little forward to protect himself from wind.

The woman as it's soft by nature, looks passive, but doesn't protect herself from wind.

So postures of the characters give inconsistent information to observators.

Broadsmile said...

By inconsisten I mean that while a person on a seat is straightened out, it looks passive, but in same time doesn't care about the hard wind.