Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The Gaza Conflict

In this time, it is important to say some words about the current situation in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Recently, Hamas militants began to fire rockets into Israel, some striking as far as 40 kilometers away. In response, Israel has begun a bombing campaign that has left over 300 people dead. The idea of all of these people being militants is illogical, as one needs only to look at history to know that civilians die at a much higher rate in any sort of armed conflict. Unfortunately, we, outside of the Conflict, have no reliable sources to inform us as to what is really happening in Gaza. Why has Hamas began firing rockets into Israel? It appears to be madness, but is actually a calculated step by Hamas leaders to gain an Ideological Victory against Israel, just as Hezbollah did in 2006. Because of this, it seems a ground campaign into Gaza by the IDF seems imminent. Who is and will be paying the price in this conflict? It most assuredly will be the civilians of Gaza, but also the people of Israel and throughout the Arab World. On each side, the people are trapped in an Ideological Conflict which they themselves had no hand in creating. There has been one Israeli man killed. In response Israel has killed at least 300 men. Ambitudo a Mortis declares both Israel and Hamas to be wrong, as each are killing in the name of Ideology at the expense of its civilians. Ambitudo a Mortis and the Revolution it advocates stands only for the People, throughout the world, and dismisses all Ideology, and damns all Conflict created for and because of it.


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