I have been involved in this movement for sometime, along with close friends, at least for some years now. It involved replaced anger with sadness, hatred with love, and the ability to enter wholeheartedly the realm of Non-Judgment.
Over my, the author's, stay in Europe over the past 5 months, along with some visionary insights from the writer Friedrich Nietzsche, I have impulsively come up with a list of 10 principles for the New Love Movement.
I believe many can benefit from these Principles, but I admit they are Principles most assuredly from my mind, and therefore may be only applicable to me, my lived experience, and the associations with people I now have.
Here are the Principles:
New Love Movement
1. accept your weakness, only then can you become strong, and accept the weakness of others, so you can help them become strong
2. never judge
3. accept pain as a side effect of love and close relationship, if you only want to be made to feel good, you are only loving yourself, but if you can love another even if they cause you pain, you show that you love them for who they are
4. it is not natural to be isolated, isolation only exists in isolation, without friendship, our minds weaken, as does our heart and soul
5. deny the self's longing for self-love, learn balance and reciprocation, recognize we yearn for pleasure and for ourselves to be happy, but also recognize seeking these things is not our destiny.
6. respect yourself, then respect others, come to terms with yourself, then you can accept others
7. be rid of childish things, to crave attention is natural, recognize this impulse, and funnel it in a positive way. do not stoop to losing yourself to gain it or anything else, such as pleasure.
8. love asks nothing in return, so ask for nothing. but respect and honesty asks for something in return, and thats to be respected and given honesty.
9. be free, and allow others to be free, never try to possess another, never allow yourself to be possessed. but to give yourself to another, and for another to give their-self to you, is a different matter.
10. true love is for the Other to be free, and still to Love Them.